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Office Plant

"I think I might have killed the office plant.."
"Why would you think that Kris?"
"Because I have been feeding it coffee... It's just more convenient then walking all the way downstairs to the sink."

One of my roommates. Ironically one of the smarter ones.


An American walks into a bar...

Football is like spirituality. You have a player. They are part of a team. The team is a part of a community who identifies with and roots for them. The player is part of something bigger. Much like the person who believes in God. They might not see God, much like the player who doesn't see the community of people watching the game on tv, but they know they are there.

This metaphor of religion was brought to me by a French speaking Polish man in a bar. He is a communist (so he wasn't getting my número de telephone). Lol. I am a capitalist. He believes capitalism is bad because poor people are giving money to rich people. I believe communism is bad because it is lazy people taking money from motivated people. I even talked to a socialist from England who said he is a socialist because there are children in 3rd world countries dying from drinking dirty water and "we" need a system to do something about that.

It's amazing, I mean truly amazing to me that some people can actually say, with a straight face that capitalism is slavery. It also scares me that people can be devoted to communism, a theory that has literally NEVER worked. Look at Greece!

I wonder where all of these big bad rich people came from anyways? Did money just fall out of the sky and land on them? Are they so devoted to being a "rich person," they will steal money from the poor or kill kids in third world countries?

Even in the bar I was sitting in trying to explain in a mix of English, French and jesters how the BAR we are in is a perfect example of why capitalism works I could see I was wasting my breathe. He really believes that rich people take all of that money they make and hide it under a mattress. They gobble it up and make it disappear. It's gone once the rich person has it. Maybe they are burning it in their fire places? This stolen money, cause if they are spending it, on say a 100k car, someone has to build that car, therefore it is creating a job (or many in fact if you think about the sales people, construction workers who built the dealership, accountants to work for the car maker and dealer, even the janitor, car detailers, mechanics to maintain the car...) so that can't be happening.

I did appreciate his belief in God though. It felt good to have him bring it up. At least I'm not as alone on my feelings that I don't need to go to church or be active in an organized religion to feel close to God.

Not a bad night, all things considered. But seriously? A communist? Ugh!


Make everyday...

Got some dirty looks on the train cause I was taking a picture of a girls bag...

Make everyday happy:)


L'auto Dîner

I had a pretty good time at the L'auto's Club dinner. It wasn't exactly what I was looking for, but the food was amazing.

The group itself is comprised of a much older more affluent crowd. I kind of expected it, but was eager to get out and meet new people.

Most of them owned pre-war cars. Circa, 1930 and one of the girls who I was talking too had here first 3 cars picked out. A Porsche, Mercedes 300, and something else in the 30-99K euro price range.

Over all it was an entertaining night.

I got home wondering where I fit in though. This crowd was a bit to pretentious for me. But I have had many run ins with some who I feel like aren't in my league. Am I pretentious for having no interest in conversation with a panhandler?

I also got to thinking about how 2 people can experience life so differently. Take a high school friend I used to work with. I was literally standing right next to her when she met her husband. They now have 2 kids and have been married for close to 10 years. Moi? I'm living in Paris, and single.

I used to think people like her were a wealth of knowledge for how to find Mr. Right. But looking at her situation and the ones I found myself in from that time I really see how much of an accident it was she ever met him. People who I didn't have first hand knowledge of their meeting have told me all of the old clichés of "when you're not looking," "work on you," "at the right time..." I could probably write a book of romantic advice cliches to avoid unless you want to piss a single person off.

In reality, I think I might subscribe to the chaos theory of dating. It's all so very random. Single people fling themselves at each other like molecules till one of the sticks. I literally think its a matter of meeting a person who is on the same emotional level as you, who desires to be committed to a level you are happy with, and with some sort of x factor calculation chemistry.

I think it is also a matter of cutting through all of the relationship based stereotypes like, "once a cheater always a cheater." it is true that if he cheats on you, it's probably time to rethink your relationship, but to state the above you are literally saying a guy is his mistake which is not really any way to view anybody.



Turns out the espresso is actually decaf here. DECAF?!?!

Ok, over my shock. And atleast the good news is I'll have no caffeine addiction to combat when I get back to the states...

Bad news, the first cup of coffee I have back there is going to have me wired for days!

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