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It Just Tastes Better

Have you ever had real café? Espresso served in the teenie tiny cups, but is so smooth it's like butter? I don't think I can drink coffee again. As a matter of fact, during my breakfast I had that regular old joe, and the difference in taste is stunning. And depressing. I never realized how bitter joe was? Do you think that he is the redheaded step child to the more sophisticated flavors of the espresso? Do you think he gets how much Starbucks has bastardized him?

I'm in love with espresso and the corner cafés with there outdoor tables and chairs facing the street. It's just so beautiful to sit and sip an espresso while watching the world go by. I have also noticed the distinct lack of paper or plastic cups. No taking away that espresso to sip as you walk down the street. You have to stay there, and I relish the ability to sit for a moment and just enjoy it.

I haven't sampled much of the cuisine in my first two days here. Jet lag, time change and looking for a flat to call home did a number on my appetite, but if everything else is as good as the espresso, I'm going to have to start getting up early to ride a bike around the park near my new flat in order to keep my jeans fitting.

On a non food, but still a very Parisian note, I had to for go blow drying my hair this morning because of a lack in a certain appliance. The French rarely do much with their hair preferring the natural look, and today I understand it. My hair has never looked better! It is amazing how when you let go of some "norms" you had, the outcome can be better than the previous results! And cutting down on my get ready time too?? Amen

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